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Li Ka-shing introduces the "Thriver" OS
with empathy as its kernel

(Shantou and Hong Kong, 26 June 2015) We are constantly upgrading our smartphones and their OS (operating system) to make them better, but have you ever wondered if the OS of your life could also be upgraded? At this morning's commencement speech delivered to over 2,000 graduates of Shantou University (STU), Mr Li Ka-shing, Honorary Chairman of the STU Council, introduced a new OS, with empathy coded as its kernel. This central module allows users to constantly optimise and synchronise processes and tasks management such as the interpretations of the moment; enhances the clarity of insights, manages civility, rhythm and actions; and upgradeable with new version to grow and glow.

Mr Li Ka-shing also stressed on the power of empathy as a key mindset to distinguish the glowing thrivers from the disoriented survivors in a new era of the Triple Bottom Line.

"Mindfulness towards others is a powerful mindset. In fact, I have always considered empathy to be the best investment grade reserve currency for humanity.

"You will be judged by how well you excel in meeting the Triple Bottom Line - financial, environmental and social - the hallmark of success today and the leadership landscape of the future."

Mr Li believes that thrivers are convergent thinkers always on the lookout for knowledge and opportunities that are relevant and useful. He further stated that survivors know how to complete tasks, but thrivers can identify the possibilities of nonlinear dynamics; are mission driven; live out their inner quests; and dare to venture outside their comfort zones.

Mr Li congratulated STU graduates with a phrase a student taught him: "You rock!" The entire arena roared with approval and joined Mr Li in thunderous applause in expression of gratitude towards everyone who made possible the state-of-the-art arena to be delivered on time and within budget and to the dedication and the commitment of the faculties who push reforms in education unceasingly.

The 2015 STU Commencement Ceremony, with an attendance of about 6,000, took place in the newly constructed state-of-the-art arena designed by renowned architect David Manica, featuring innovative construction techniques to create a cost-effective, flexible multi-purpose gymnasium. Its design disrupted the traditional pursuit of "gigantic size" while still meeting future needs. The architecture is inspired by the philosophy of Italian poet Francesco Petrarch as described in his work, "The Ascent of Mont Ventoux". Instead of pursuing shortsighted successes, it encourages the students to treasure and enjoy the experiences of learning, living and tackling challenges together.

A 3D phoenix symbolising STU's spirit took flight over scenes depicting the history of the university and the region with a 360 degree projection system designed by Obscura, an American multimedia company.

STU's continuing education reform has always been "hard and soft" - both hardware and software reforms at the same time such as the new education syllabus combined together with new technologies. STU Medical College's "systems integrated" teaching model incorporates international standards of medical education. With innovation and dedication as core values, the college is committed in its tri-factor pursuit and development of learning, research and healthcare.

The Li Ka Shing Foundation has earmarked grants of HK$8 billion to support the long-term development of Shantou University through 2018. In 2012, the Ministry of Education, the Guangdong Provincial Government and the Foundation agreed to co-develop Shantou University and deepen the education reforms. Shantou University has over 9,800 students on campus, and each year graduates over 2,300 students, 27% of whom are medical students. In 2014, Shantou Medical College's five affiliated hospitals conducted 58,207 surgeries and handled 2.61 million visits, providing medical assistance to 70% of the Chaoshan population.


Innovative multimedia technology company Obscura's 360 degree backdrop is used at the Shantou University Commencement Ceremony wowing the crowds. Mr Li Ka-shing has met Obscura's founders Travis Threlkel (left) and Chris Lejeune (right) earlier in Hong Kong. He applauds their pioneering use of technology creating limitless possibilities.

Mr Li Ka-shing attends an exhibition on the "Excellent Engineer Cultivation Programme" jointly conducted by the Shantou University and Esquel Group. He is captivated by the robots that the students built.

The 2015 STU Commencement Ceremony, with an attendance of about 6,000, took place in the newly constructed state-of-the-art arena designed by renowned architect David Manica.

Mr Li Ka-shing pictured with Prof Dan Shechtman, winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry and a professor at Technion - Israel Institute of Technology and Mr Chen Yunxian, Vice-Governor of Guangdong Province.



In Mr Li Ka-shing's commencement speech, Mr Li says the difference between "survivors" and "thrivers" is that thrivers live out their "internal quests" and see themselves as an astute positive force, taking personal responsibility for their conducts and performances in contributing to and creating the future.

Shantou University Commencement Ceremony 2015
June 26, 2015

Speech by Mr. Li Ka-shing

Thriver's OS

Chairman Chen, Professor Shechtman, distinguished faculties, graduates, friends and families,

Summertime again and it is great to be here! Now that the crazy long nights for the finals are behind you, I trust everyone is breathing easy and feeling happier.

The bright summer sun lights up your future stage, like the phoenix of our STU emblem; your unfolding wings will carry you to meet every challenge in a lifetime of imagination and adventures.

Our trustees join me in extending our warmest congratulations to our graduates, "Well done" and we thank you for sharing this profound moment with us.

Today, may I ask you to share your limelight and happiness with everyone who worked so hard to complete our new arena for our commencement ceremony today?

Thank you.

May I ask you to give another thunderous applause to show our deepest appreciation to the faculties and administrators for their dedication to serve, and their commitment to advancing reforms in higher education?

Thank you.

Doesn't expressing gratitude to others feel wonderful? Mindfulness towards others is a powerful mind-set! It is important to the world because empathy supercharges the virtuous cycle of enriching, empowering, and ennobling.

In fact, I have always considered empathy to be the best investment grade reserve currency for humanity; its scale and liquidity impactful and imaginative, its strength and stability concrete, complete and certain.

You doubt the relevance of these rhetorical narratives?

Everyone knows that tangible qualities for empathy and compassion are easy to list out but hard to live out.

But trust me, don't you dismiss it lightly. This mind-set is the key differentiation between a thriver and a survivor.

To you our young graduates, it matters because you will be judged by how well you excel in meeting the Triple Bottom Line - financial, environmental and social-the hallmark of success today and the leadership landscape of the future.

To the survivors, everything is an enigma; to the thrivers, there is always a way to decipher the growing lexicon of complexities.

Who are the thrivers?

Thrivers live out their inner quests, they never stop seeking better solutions for today. Thrivers also see themselves as an astute positive force, they take personal responsibility for their conducts and performances in contributing to and creating the future.

Thrivers are convergent thinkers who can identify the possibilities of nonlinear dynamics. They are mission driven and on their own volition; they dare to venture outside comfort zones and are forever on the lookout for knowledge and opportunities that would be relevant and useful.

Thrivers work incredibly harder and are intellectually more engaged.

Most importantly, peak thrivers believe that it is empathy that defines them. This dimension is coded into their kernel and is the central module of their personal operating system that is constantly optimising and synchronising their interpretations of the moment, enhancing their visualization clarity, managing their civility, their pace and their actions, and that regularly upgrades with new versions to grow and glow.

Only the thrivers know how to find the answer to Rabbi Hillel's contemplation: "If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, what am I?"

Are you a thriver? I know you are. I know you will live your life to its truest, in duty, in dignity and joy.

Today, you are proud to be a part of Shantou University; tomorrow, Shantou University will be proud to be a part of you.

Thank you so much.

About the Li Ka Shing Foundation

Established in 1980 by Mr Li Ka-shing, the Li Ka Shing Foundation (LKSF) has three strategic focuses: nurture a new culture of giving; support education reform initiatives; and advance medical research and services. Mr Li considers the Foundation to be his "third son" and has pledged one-third of his assets to it. With initiatives spread over 19 countries and regions, LKSF supports projects that promote social progress through expanding access to quality education and medical services and research, encouraging cultural diversity and community involvement. Since its inception, LKSF has granted over HK$17 billion, 87% of which benefit projects in the Greater China region.

For more information, please visit:
Instagram: @lksfoundation

For inquiries, please contact:

Li Ka Shing Foundation
Jeremy Lau
Tel: (852) 2128 1207
Fax: (852) 2128 1766

Source: CK Hutchison Holdings Limited
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