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The directors of Guoco Group Limited ("GGL") announce the entering into of a standby credit facility ("Facility") with its subsidiary company, Guoco Land Limited ("GLL") pursuant to a facility letter from GGL and accepted by GLL ("the Facility Letter") on 3rd June, 1997. GGL directly holds 50.1 per cent. of the shares in GLL and has a further attributable interest of approximately 11.49 per cent., as a result of GGL's 57.43 per cent. owned subsidiary, First Capital Corporation Ltd holding 20 per cent. of the shares of GLL.

Under the Facility Letter, GGL has agreed to provide a standby credit facility of up to HK$350 million to GLL, for the purpose of meeting GLL's working capital requirements from time to time and to support the development of GLL as the Hong Kong and People's Republic of China property development arm of the Guoco Group. The Facility will be provided to GLL on terms that are better than the ordinary commercial terms available to GLL, shall be unsecured, rank pari passu with other unsecured borrowings and be repayable by GLL on demand.

GLL is a connected person in relation to the Facility under the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited ("the Listing Rules"). However, as the Facility is for a total aggregate amount which is less than 3 per cent. of the net tangible asset value of GGL, as shown in its most recently published accounts, the provision of the Facility is permitted in accordance with Rule 14.25(1) of the Listing Rules, without any requirement for approval by shareholders. Details of the Facility will, in accordance with the Listing Rules, be included in the next published annual report and accounts of GGL.

The principal activity of GGL is to act as an investment holding company for the Guoco Group and the principal activities of the Guoco Group include provision of financial services. In the past, GGL has raised funds and provided loans and other financial support to its subsidiaries.

By the order of the Board
Doris W. N. Wong
Company Secretary

Hong Kong, 3rd June, 1997